Sheriff, a police officer from the Integrity Department who is dedicated and insightful. He is paired with Nazri, a young and idealistic police officer from the Narcotics Department. Their mission is to bust a drug syndicate headed by the ruthless kingpin Tony. The kingpin is involved in the distribution of methamphetamine and many people have died at the hands of this Meth Killer.
The Time Of Fever (2024)
4MINUTES (2024)
Sowers of Hope (2024)
Hiệp Nữ Phá Thiên Quan (2000)
The Upheaval (1986)
The Weird Forest (2023)
The dagger of kill celestial being (2023)
Raising The Bar (2015)
Half for the People (2015)
The Quintessential Quintuplets (2024)
Tales of Qin Mu (2024)