Himitsu is a 1999 Japanese fantasy romance film directed by Yōjirō Takita, starring Ryōko Hirosue, Kaoru Kobayashi and Kayoko Kishimoto and based on the novel Naoko by Keigo Higashino. It was released on 25 September 1999. An English-language French remake, The Secret, was released in 2007.
The Time Of Fever (2024)
4MINUTES (2024)
Sowers of Hope (2024)
Hiệp Nữ Phá Thiên Quan (2000)
The Upheaval (1986)
Raising The Bar (2015)
Half for the People (2015)
The Quintessential Quintuplets (2024)
C.I.D. (1998)
Blossom (2024)
War and Beauty (2004)
Under The Skin (Season 2) (2024)