Through unexpected circumstances, an illegitimate daughter, Han Ziqing, crosses paths with Jun Beiye, a prince known as the God of War. Drawn into national conflicts, they face off against various factions together. Despite her low status as the prime minister’s illegitimate daughter, Jun Beiye, who is feared for his battle prowess, chooses to protect her, revealing a deep devotion beneath his ruthless exterior.
Namib (2024)
LIVE(V.)HOUSE (2024)
The Time Of Fever (2024)
4MINUTES (2024)
Sowers of Hope (2024)
Hiệp Nữ Phá Thiên Quan (2000)
Demon Warrior II (2018)
The Predictons Game (1993)
The Upheaval (1986)
The dagger of kill celestial being (2023)
Raising The Bar (2015)
Half for the People (2015)